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Warscroll Cards: Fyreslayers

Master the might of your Fyreslayers with these easy-reference Warscroll Cards! Warscroll Cards are an invaluable resource for gamers that take your key warscrolls and abilities, and allow you to check them out at a glance. This set also includes a number of tokens for keeping track of in-game effects, meaning you won’t have to worry about trying to remember them!

This set contains small-format warscrolls for all the Fyreslayers units, plus the Magmic Invocations and the Magmic Battleforge. Please note – you’ll need a copy of Battletome: Fyreslayers to make use of the contents of this set!

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  • Master the might of your Fyreslayers with these easy-reference Warscroll Cards! Warscroll Cards are an invaluable resource for gamers that take your key warscrolls and abilities, and allow you to check them out at a glance. This set also includes a number of tokens for keeping track of in-game effects, meaning you won’t have to worry about trying to remember them!

    This set contains small-format warscrolls for all the Fyreslayers units, plus the Magmic Invocations and the Magmic Battleforge. Please note – you’ll need a copy of Battletome: Fyreslayers to make use of the contents of this set!