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Killteam: Tyranid Dice Set

This set contains 6 6-sided dice and 2 10-sided dice – the former used during games of Kill Team, the latter used to roll on certain tables when assembling your squad ready for combat. Themed to match the Tyranids, these dice are flesh-coloured with blue markings. The D6 feature a Tyranids icon in place of the 6 and a Kill Team logo in place of the 1; the D10 feature a skull in place of the 1.


2 000
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  • This set contains 6 6-sided dice and 2 10-sided dice – the former used during games of Kill Team, the latter used to roll on certain tables when assembling your squad ready for combat. Themed to match the Tyranids, these dice are flesh-coloured with blue markings. The D6 feature a Tyranids icon in place of the 6 and a Kill Team logo in place of the 1; the D10 feature a skull in place of the 1.


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