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Gandalf the White and Peregrin Took

Following his victory over the Balrog, Gandalf returned to Middle-earth to see his task completed. Stripping Saruman of his power as Lord of the Istari, Gandalf is now a more powerful Wizard than ever. During the battle for Minas Tirith, it is Gandalf who rallies Gondor’s armies, inspiring them to hold back the Orc invaders.
This multipart plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Gandalf the White and Peregrin Took, both on foot and mounted on Shadowfax. When mounted, you have the option to remove Peregrin Took, leaving just Gandalf on Shadowfax. On foot, Gandalf wields Glamdring and his wizard’s staff, while Peregrin Took is clothed in the uniform of the Citadel Guard of Minas Tirith with his helmet in his left hand.
These miniatures come as 14 components, and are supplied with 2 Citadel 25mm Round bases and a Citadel 40mm Round base.


4 790
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  • Following his victory over the Balrog, Gandalf returned to Middle-earth to see his task completed. Stripping Saruman of his power as Lord of the Istari, Gandalf is now a more powerful Wizard than ever. During the battle for Minas Tirith, it is Gandalf who rallies Gondor’s armies, inspiring them to hold back the Orc invaders.
    This multipart plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Gandalf the White and Peregrin Took, both on foot and mounted on Shadowfax. When mounted, you have the option to remove Peregrin Took, leaving just Gandalf on Shadowfax. On foot, Gandalf wields Glamdring and his wizard’s staff, while Peregrin Took is clothed in the uniform of the Citadel Guard of Minas Tirith with his helmet in his left hand.
    These miniatures come as 14 components, and are supplied with 2 Citadel 25mm Round bases and a Citadel 40mm Round base.


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