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Death Guard Green Spray

Death Guard Green Spray is designed for basecoating all Citadel miniatures. When sprayed over an undercoat, it's a fast way to get a uniform base of colour onto your models.
The colour in this spray is exactly the same as Citadel Base: Death Guard Green, so if any part of the model gets missed when spraying, a quick tidy up with the equivalent paint will provide a complete basecoat.
This can contains 400ml of Death Guard Green Spray.

2 490
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  • Death Guard Green Spray is designed for basecoating all Citadel miniatures. When sprayed over an undercoat, it's a fast way to get a uniform base of colour onto your models.
    The colour in this spray is exactly the same as Citadel Base: Death Guard Green, so if any part of the model gets missed when spraying, a quick tidy up with the equivalent paint will provide a complete basecoat.
    This can contains 400ml of Death Guard Green Spray.

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      2 490
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