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Chaotic Beasts (предзаказ 2024, GW Direct)

Внимание! Этот товар доступен только для предзаказа. Ориентировочные(!) сроки поступления товара - 1-2 месяца после размещения заказа.

Предзаказы отгружаются в порядке очереди в зависимости от времени заказа и оплаты. Товар в первую очередь отгружается в заказы с предоплатой.
Количество товара ограничено, если вам не хватит поступивших позиций, то с вами свяжутся после следующей поставки.
К сожалению, никакие скидки на такой заказ не распространяются.

ГАРАНТИЯ ЛУЧШЕЙ ЦЕНЫ - если вы где-то нашли набор дешевле - напишите нам и мы сделаем вам более выгодное предложение!

The corrupting power of Chaos has fully defiled the Eightpoints over the course of centuries, transforming flora and fauna alike into unnatural, mutated abominations. Many of the beasts that make their lairs in the lands around the Varanspire are little more than frenzied monsters, but others possess an unsettling cunning, and will even follow a warband into battle in return for fresh meat or some other, darker incentive.

Harness the Chaotic Beasts of the Eightpoints with this Warcry expansion set. Inside, you’ll find a monstrous menagerie of Furies and Raptoryxes, allowing you to add a new level of challenge to your games. Alternatively, add them to your warband as thralls, or field them in your Warhammer Age of Sigmar army.
This set contains:
- 6 multipart plastic Raptoryx – brutal, frenzied avian predators
- 6 multipart plastic Furies – sinister lesser Daemons who are nigh-impossible to pin down
- 2 Chaotic Beasts Fighter Cards for keeping track of their characteristics
- A Chaotic Beasts abilities card, printed in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian, that allows you to harness the distinct tactics of these monstrous inhabitants of the Eightpoints
What’s more, these models can be used in your Slaves to Darkness army for Warhammer Age of Sigmar thanks to a free warscroll, available in the Downloads tab.
This set is supplied with 6 x 32mm round bases, and 6 x 60mm oval bases.

6 800
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  • Внимание! Этот товар доступен только для предзаказа. Ориентировочные(!) сроки поступления товара - 1-2 месяца после размещения заказа.

    Предзаказы отгружаются в порядке очереди в зависимости от времени заказа и оплаты. Товар в первую очередь отгружается в заказы с предоплатой.
    Количество товара ограничено, если вам не хватит поступивших позиций, то с вами свяжутся после следующей поставки.
    К сожалению, никакие скидки на такой заказ не распространяются.

    ГАРАНТИЯ ЛУЧШЕЙ ЦЕНЫ - если вы где-то нашли набор дешевле - напишите нам и мы сделаем вам более выгодное предложение!

    The corrupting power of Chaos has fully defiled the Eightpoints over the course of centuries, transforming flora and fauna alike into unnatural, mutated abominations. Many of the beasts that make their lairs in the lands around the Varanspire are little more than frenzied monsters, but others possess an unsettling cunning, and will even follow a warband into battle in return for fresh meat or some other, darker incentive.

    Harness the Chaotic Beasts of the Eightpoints with this Warcry expansion set. Inside, you’ll find a monstrous menagerie of Furies and Raptoryxes, allowing you to add a new level of challenge to your games. Alternatively, add them to your warband as thralls, or field them in your Warhammer Age of Sigmar army.
    This set contains:
    - 6 multipart plastic Raptoryx – brutal, frenzied avian predators
    - 6 multipart plastic Furies – sinister lesser Daemons who are nigh-impossible to pin down
    - 2 Chaotic Beasts Fighter Cards for keeping track of their characteristics
    - A Chaotic Beasts abilities card, printed in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian, that allows you to harness the distinct tactics of these monstrous inhabitants of the Eightpoints
    What’s more, these models can be used in your Slaves to Darkness army for Warhammer Age of Sigmar thanks to a free warscroll, available in the Downloads tab.
    This set is supplied with 6 x 32mm round bases, and 6 x 60mm oval bases.

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