- Предзаказ Нет
- Тип Товара Миниатюры
- Рекомендуемый возраст 8 - 12 лет, 13 - 15 лет, 16 - 17 лет, более 18 лет
- Производитель Games Workshop
- Серия игр (Бренд) Warhammer, Warhammer Age of Sigmar
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Easily add scenery to your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar with this set of 12 push-fit plastic ruins. Each piece comes on pre-coloured plastic: just slot them together (no glue required!), place them on your table, and you’re ready to play. Included in the set:
- 6 large ruined walls;
- 2 small ruined walls;
- 2 padlocked grills;
- 2 padlocked chests.
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