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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Malign Sorcery (предзаказ 2025, GW Direct)

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ГАРАНТИЯ ЛУЧШЕЙ ЦЕНЫ - если вы где-то нашли набор дешевле - напишите нам и мы сделаем вам более выгодное предложение!

The cataclysmic necroquake of Shyish has flooded the Mortal Realms with the powers of the aether. Incantations summon forth new conjurations of unprecedented power and frightful sentience, but beware – such endless spells can be treacherous, as likely to turn upon their caster as they are to devastate the enemy. From unleashing disembodied gnashing jaws to devour your foes, to raising prismatic barricades to protect your flanks, doing battle in the time of the Arcanum Optimar is unlike anything that has come before.
The Malign Sorcery boxed set is an expansion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar containing new rules and spells for magic, along with 17 imposing miniatures used to represent Endless Spells, powerful pieces of sorcery that can be unleashed by any wizard. These rules and miniatures can be used alongside the core rules to introduce wildly different and incredibly powerful spells brought about by the Arcanum Optimar – an age of rampant magic. When combined with the Realm of Battle rules found in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book, this set becomes a gaming toolbox you can use to fight narrative-driven battles in the Mortal Realms.
Contained within the box:
The Book
Malign Sorcery features an 88-page hardback book packed with rules and background:
- Magic in the Mortal Realms: a history of magic in the Mortal Realms, tracing the origins of sorcery back to the Age of Myth and presenting detailed information on the differing specialisations of various races, and the magics of the Eight Realms.
- The Learning of Magic: all sorcerers face the same dangers when bending wild powers to their will – the forces Order, Death, Destruction and Chaos deal with these dangers in their own manners, detailed here;
- Concerning Realmstone: this mysterious substance contains enough power to annihilate cities – here is detailed the different realmstones which can be found across the Eight Realms;
- Descriptions of 13 manifestations that herald a new era of magic, which will soon be seen of every battlefield in the Mortal Realms;
- A showcase of the miniatures found in the box, including step-by-step guides and descriptions of effective painting techniques.
Rules expanding the use of magic in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar make up the second section of the book:
- Endless Spells: these are the rules for using the miniatures included with Malign Sorcery, magical constructs which remain in play until dispelled or out of bounds. This includes 5 Narrative Battleplans designed for use with this set;
- Skirmish on the Realm’s Edge: the wild magics unleashed by the necroquake grow wilder the closer to the borders between realms an army finds itself – these are rules for fighting skirmishes right where the sorcery is at its strongest. Includes Command Traits, Artefacts, and Leader Spells, Rewards of Battle and Edge of Aqshy scenery rules (for games set within that Realm). Also includes a Skirmish battlepl

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  • Внимание! Этот товар доступен только для предзаказа. Ориентировочные(!) сроки поступления товара - 1-2 месяца после размещения заказа.

    Предзаказы отгружаются в порядке очереди в зависимости от времени заказа и оплаты. Товар в первую очередь отгружается в заказы с предоплатой.
    Количество товара ограничено, если вам не хватит поступивших позиций, то с вами свяжутся после следующей поставки.
    К сожалению, никакие скидки на такой заказ не распространяются.

    ГАРАНТИЯ ЛУЧШЕЙ ЦЕНЫ - если вы где-то нашли набор дешевле - напишите нам и мы сделаем вам более выгодное предложение!

    The cataclysmic necroquake of Shyish has flooded the Mortal Realms with the powers of the aether. Incantations summon forth new conjurations of unprecedented power and frightful sentience, but beware – such endless spells can be treacherous, as likely to turn upon their caster as they are to devastate the enemy. From unleashing disembodied gnashing jaws to devour your foes, to raising prismatic barricades to protect your flanks, doing battle in the time of the Arcanum Optimar is unlike anything that has come before.
    The Malign Sorcery boxed set is an expansion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar containing new rules and spells for magic, along with 17 imposing miniatures used to represent Endless Spells, powerful pieces of sorcery that can be unleashed by any wizard. These rules and miniatures can be used alongside the core rules to introduce wildly different and incredibly powerful spells brought about by the Arcanum Optimar – an age of rampant magic. When combined with the Realm of Battle rules found in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book, this set becomes a gaming toolbox you can use to fight narrative-driven battles in the Mortal Realms.
    Contained within the box:
    The Book
    Malign Sorcery features an 88-page hardback book packed with rules and background:
    - Magic in the Mortal Realms: a history of magic in the Mortal Realms, tracing the origins of sorcery back to the Age of Myth and presenting detailed information on the differing specialisations of various races, and the magics of the Eight Realms.
    - The Learning of Magic: all sorcerers face the same dangers when bending wild powers to their will – the forces Order, Death, Destruction and Chaos deal with these dangers in their own manners, detailed here;
    - Concerning Realmstone: this mysterious substance contains enough power to annihilate cities – here is detailed the different realmstones which can be found across the Eight Realms;
    - Descriptions of 13 manifestations that herald a new era of magic, which will soon be seen of every battlefield in the Mortal Realms;
    - A showcase of the miniatures found in the box, including step-by-step guides and descriptions of effective painting techniques.
    Rules expanding the use of magic in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar make up the second section of the book:
    - Endless Spells: these are the rules for using the miniatures included with Malign Sorcery, magical constructs which remain in play until dispelled or out of bounds. This includes 5 Narrative Battleplans designed for use with this set;
    - Skirmish on the Realm’s Edge: the wild magics unleashed by the necroquake grow wilder the closer to the borders between realms an army finds itself – these are rules for fighting skirmishes right where the sorcery is at its strongest. Includes Command Traits, Artefacts, and Leader Spells, Rewards of Battle and Edge of Aqshy scenery rules (for games set within that Realm). Also includes a Skirmish battlepl

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